Sunday 26 October 2014

Facebook's smartest newbie

The day could not have started with more buzz than this, my phone kept pinging on and on about Queen Elizabeth II's first tweet after opening the Information Age exhibition at London's Science Museum. Good for the museum, another good strategy to get people talking about it...
It is twitter so the whole world is talking about it.
Just when I thought that this would be the news of the day, another news alert from Mashable..
Stephen Hawking joins Facebook!
Looks like today is a Big day for social media
First thing I do..check out SH's (that's how Stephen Hawking signs his posts in FB) page. I mean duh..obviously The Theory of everything is about to release in few weeks and SH joins Facebook, this is no coincidence. Definitely a marketing strategy to promote the film... that's what I thought till I saw the page.
Looks like the scientist really wanted to connect with the masses.

In his first post he encourages us to be curious, then he shared the video of ALS Ice bucket challenge done by his kids, in his third post, he jokes about being an alien...
I should probably stop thinking that social media is all about marketing..blame my subjects,we only learn about social media being the latest tool for marketing anything and everything, even oneself.
Meantime, the so called intellectual banter among his disciples is something that caught my attention.

I found myself accepting with this man's comment. I'm sure even people without super human brain find these 'I love my kitty', 'I am sleeping', 'My new IPhone', blah blah posts boring.
Hers's another one..
I'm sure Stephen Hawking was not expecting a critical appreciation of who he is..

But my most favorite one was comment by Pamela Hughes:
"Beware, Facebook can teach you all about time dilation...You can spend an hour checking pages and reading articles and suddenly discover that 8 hours have passed in the real world."
That was a good advice!
One thing I realised is that, Stephen Hawking doesn't need a movie about him to create a buzz about him, he creates a considerable amount of buzz by himself..

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