Tuesday 21 October 2014

Crowdsourcing- uber of the advertising world

The word crowd-sourcing has been making ripples in the marketing world for quite a time now. There has been a lot of ‘crowd-sourcing vs traditional collaboration’ debates online and offline.

Ok, for those who don’t know what I’m talking about, here is a quick walk through.
Crowd-sourcing is, an online distribution of tasks to a mixed crowd containing enthusiasts and experts.

The ‘task’ that is mentioned here, is getting ideas for advertisements for a product or a company from the general crowd.

It is basically a lot of people (general crowd) submitting their ideas, works for an ad. The selected ideas will be refined, worked on and made into an ad, which will be later telecasted. The owner of the selected idea will be rewarded.
Crowd-sourcing is everything that is not top to down approach. It is a non-linear model.

For ex: In 2013, automobile giant Hyundai asked its audience to write their own commercial for i10. The winner got a chance to act along with SRK in the TVC.

Companies such as Tongal, Zooppa, Popnet, and Ffffound are tapping the crowd for talent. They are using the internet’s real time impact to strengthen the connection between products and consumers.

 In Tongal, they are one step ahead. If you can give only idea, i.e. no videography or editing skills, No problem. Just send the idea, someone else will shape your idea. How thoughtful of them! In fact, even I have sent an idea for a slippers commercial (fingers crossed….)

The concept of idea can be found anywhere is pretty cool! Honestly I dunno why some of them feel crowd-sourcing is a bad idea.  It is just like citizen journalism. Right?!

Although, when you imagine an Indian giving the idea and a French shaping it up, it doesn’t sound like the intended result coming. The cultural difference will sure be a problem though. Maybe this is where the experts come in.

In India, even government turned to crowd-sourcing to give a makeover for its ads. India has always had pretty bad government ads. More than 2000 entries were received for the Independence Day ad call out, out of which 7 were shortlisted and telecasted.

A lot of big brands PepsiCo, Virgin Atlantic, Pizza Hut, Audi are embracing this concept. Why not, you get the work done much cheaper, get a variety of fresh perspectives, you have so much alternatives to choose from and you pay only the owner of the idea.

Right now crowd-sourcing is just a part of advertisement industry, it might as well become the future of it!

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